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Language Tridaux

Of course, "Tridaux" is not a real word, but it doesn't matter anymore. Language is out of control. I wanted to watch something making breakfast in the kitchen, and so turned on the news. They were talking about "torture." And how the U.S. put out a position paper saying they do "not torture" people. Then months later a memo was circulating condoning several "interrogation methods" that were "not torture," like exposing prisoners to physical violence, psychological violence, and several methods that the global community generally consider "torture." And then the news (Fox) channel proceeded to not even talk about torture but "special interrogation methods" and when which was appropriate. Was it fair if there was a "ticking time bomb" situation?

Listen: torture, is torture, is torture, is torture. It is never an accepted policy. Never. First of all, it is unreliable. All you big patriots out there consider that. People will say anything under torture. I.e. Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Lots of our intelligence about Iraq was wrong. Why? Oh, prisoners overstated things. They had inflated egos. Or maybe they were tortured and said anything they could think of to make it stop. Listen, if you are a ground agent recognizing that impending disaster is there, might you desperately make the wrong choice for the right reasons? I can see it. I would probably even forgive it. But if people cannot see the difference between that and a blanket-pardon for any U.S. citizen doing what the rest of the world considers not just illegal, but immoral, then you need to think about it some more.

|| posted by mW @ 9:48 AM

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"We should abandon the belief that power makes people mad and that, but the same token, the renunciation of power is one of the conditions of knowledge. We should admit, rather, that power produces knowledge . . . that power and knowledge directly imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations."

          - Michel Foucault