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Is Our President For Real?

Seriously. Is George W. Bush a real president? As part of America's new space policy, Bush has claimed the right of the U.S. to deny access to space to those who are hostile to U.S. interests. What? Are you serious? Does anyone think sometimes that the ridiculous Chapelle Show skit with Chapelle as "Black Bush" was maybe not even an exageration? I can hear it now. "Space bitches! That's right, you heard me. Space. It's not even the United States of America. It's the United States of Space." Wait was that the skit? What the hell? Who thinks anyone owns space?

There will always be conflict in this world if we persist in thinking of human existence in an us or them proposition. Why can't we just realize that we all have more in common than we do different? It's not the United States versus the terrorists. It's the world against the terrorists. No civilzed state endorses that kind of behavior. But that's not enough. Not for America. Here's global politics in a snapshot: asking the U.S. to share its sovereignty with the world is like asking the Yankees to decide whether there should be a salary cap in baseball. Don't hold your breath. Well, sorry, but here's your clue America: you will NEVER be 100% safe. It is impossible.

Space. Fuck. I've run out of words. "Space bitches! Space!"

|| posted by mW @ 8:52 PM


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"We should abandon the belief that power makes people mad and that, but the same token, the renunciation of power is one of the conditions of knowledge. We should admit, rather, that power produces knowledge . . . that power and knowledge directly imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations."

          - Michel Foucault