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Fuck the Federal Government

The federal government just allocated $354 million dollars to help New York City deal with traffic congestion. Yet houses remain unbuilt here in New Orleans, entire skyscrapers stand broken and empty, we're surrounded by roads that barely deserve the name, and the levees and waterpumps that protect the city are woefully undercapable. What the fuck is wrong with our federal government.

Do we have to start an armed revolution in this country to get people to understand? This is bullshit. Oh, and President Bush just vetoed a water bill that would have allocated $22 million to levee defense down here because it "cost too much." Bull shit.

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|| posted by mW @ 6:10 PM


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"We should abandon the belief that power makes people mad and that, but the same token, the renunciation of power is one of the conditions of knowledge. We should admit, rather, that power produces knowledge . . . that power and knowledge directly imply one another; that there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations."

          - Michel Foucault